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Required Research: Under the Tuscan Sun

If you really want to feel, smell and taste the poetic essence of Tuscany, you must devour this book. Frances Mayes, the best-selling author of the 1996 novel “Under the Tuscan Sun,” knows how to make a cozy nest in any space. Half the year she lives in the historic Chatwood, originally built by Quakers as a dignified Federal farmhouse in the early 1800s as a commercial and residential space. Hillsborough has been Mayes’ American home now for several years with her fellow poet/writer husband Ed. She continues to spend half the year in Cortona, Italy, the inspiration for many of her books.

Fans first fell in love with Mayes in 2003, when actress Diane Lane portrayed her in the film version of “Under the Tuscan Sun,” telling the beautiful and funny story of how she restored the villa (known as Bramasole) while she fell in love with Tuscany and her new life.

Diane Lane stars as Frances Mayes, a writer living in San Francisco. When she finds out that her husband has been having an affair and is expecting a child with his mistress, her friends encourage her to take a vacation to Tuscany. Once she arrives, she uproots her life and, on a whim, buys a broken-down villa, Bramasole. Although she struggles to adjust initially, Frances remodels her fixer-upper into her dream home, makes new friends, and looks for love in Under the Tuscan Sun.

Stream it today for a wealth of Tuscan ideas for your wedding day!

Bramasole, Frances Mayes’ home in Cortona, Italy